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Inspirational Thoughts

Straight Talk – Clarity!

Posted by Leggs on July 16, 2014
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CLARITY…Something we all need before making decisions that will impact our lives on a major or minor scale is ‘clarity’ – it would be reckless to diminish just how important it is!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Thankful!

Posted by Leggs on July 15, 2014
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THANKFUL…You woke up this morning an instrument for change and victory NOT defeat! Don’t waste time on the ‘why’ of it, just keep moving forward with an open mind and a joyful, expectant heart!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Caught up!

Posted by Leggs on July 14, 2014
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CAUGHT UP…If it’s been a while, take a moment today to reflect and count your blessings! It’s so easy to get caught up in what’s fleeting and take what you have for granted!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

IN MEMORY OF…Losing a loved one is never easy, so make every effort to create moments that capture a life time of precious memories that make you laugh, love, and live life to the full because you’re blessed, you’re here, and you can!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter – Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

WILL TO FIGHT…Don’t let the ‘Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve’ gang bully you and make you forget you have a future, a hope, and an indomitable will that does not consider defeat an option!:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Assumptions!

Posted by Leggs on July 11, 2014
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ASSUMPTIONS…It’s not enough to assume others know how much you love, care, and think about them. Everyone needs to hear and experience that beautiful symphony of words and actions in perfect harmony.:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

THINGS CHANGE…Sometimes we forget the smallest details we mistake as insignificant, so why not update our plans daily to make sure we stay current with what’s going on around us!:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

WHAT ABOUT YOU…Block off time for yourself today, spend it however you want. We all need a refresh button to push that keeps us moving forward filled with hope, faith, and love!::-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

WASTED ENERGY…A reaction follows every decision we make or action we take. When the results are not favorable, don’t beat yourself up, double your resolve to do better and be better! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – No deal!

Posted by Leggs on July 7, 2014
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NO DEAL…If you had a chance to be someone else, don’t bother! You’ve barely scratched the surface of the many levels that define and showcase who you are!:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

GODLY INTERVENTION…Whenever you think you’ve fallen from grace, you’re in the perfect state of grace for God to be God and do what only He can: deliver and restore you!:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

IT’S A PROCESS…Today will be about whatever you’re willing to help make happen! Even if you’re not pleased with the results, the seeds you plant will continue to bear fruit beyond today!:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Be safe, have fun, and remember what today is all about! 🙂 Hope you take advantage of the long weekend and play catch up on a few things or just relax!:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

THE GIFT OF A SMILE…Sometimes, all that’s required to lift the spirit and soothed a sin sick soul is a smile, the easiest gift we can give and receive free of charge!

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Stop It!

Posted by Leggs on July 2, 2014
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STOP IT…Too often we let the little things become the big things that cause an emotional traffic jam in the heart and mind, which ends up sending our imagination into overdrive!:-)

Yesterday is behind us – Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!