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Inspirational Thoughts

Straight Talk – Happy Halloween!

Posted by Leggs on October 31, 2014
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN…Be smart, prepared to keep the little ones safe and the integrity of their innocence protected. Guide them, laugh and play with them, love them!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – The 411!

Posted by Leggs on October 30, 2014
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THE 411…We can’t do all that God can, but God can do all that we can’t! Trust Him because He loves unconditionally and forgives absolutely, YOU matter to Him!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Live It Up!

Posted by Leggs on October 29, 2014
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LIVE IT UP…Pray daily for a willing spirit and embrace life to the full with expectation and faith! Your greatest victory is before you NOT behind you!  Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity, fight like a warrior for the desires of your heart!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Torn!

Posted by Leggs on October 28, 2014
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TORNStubbornly, we tend to wanna hold on to the heavy stuff, both mental and physical, even when it drains and weakens us! Too often, our greatest enemy is that chatter box within speaking of no good things, shut it down!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – Options!

Posted by Leggs on October 27, 2014
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OPTIONS…Life offers many possible paths, it’s our job to explore our options. Be diligent, open-minded, and cautious, yet thorough! Being right offers momentary satisfaction, getting it right generates new-found confidence!:-) 

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – So Blessed!

Posted by Leggs on October 26, 2014
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SO BLESSED…All around us we see confirmation of God’s incredible foresight and unparalleled creative genius! He left nothing undone, including a path that leads us to His plan for our redemption!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Ego!

Posted by Leggs on October 25, 2014
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EGO…Don’t let your ego get in the way of doing what’s best in a given situation. Father Time is always ticking, taking only milliseconds to affect change (good and bad) with or without your consent!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Do it Now!

Posted by Leggs on October 24, 2014
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DO IT NOW…Too often we put things off for ‘tomorrow’, which isn’t promised to any of us, yet we continually entrust our hopes and dream there! Thankfully, we have today to be creatively inspired to leave footprints others can follow:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Be Ready!

Posted by Leggs on October 23, 2014
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BE READY…Keep your spirit lifted, your mind open, and be willing to learn from many sources in many forms. Empowerment is fueled with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, embrace all three!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Blessed!

Posted by Leggs on October 22, 2014
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BLESSED…Every day is a blessing, a reason to rejoice and celebrate life, don’t be victimized by sorrow and disappointment! Take advantage of every opportunity to create memories that navigate you through life’s challenging times!

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Claim It!

Posted by Leggs on October 21, 2014
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CLAIM IT…You don’t have to wait for love and happiness to find you, both already reside within. Look in a mirror as often as you need to give that person looking back permission to see and embrace what God does!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – When God Whispers!

Posted by Leggs on October 20, 2014
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WHEN GOD WHISPERS…It’s when life is so loud all around you that you need to SURRENDER everything TO GOD and HEAR HIM WHISPER thru it these three words: PEACE BE STILL! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

YOU CAN and YOU WILL…Hopefully whatever wasn’t completed yesterday got your full attention today, and every tomorrow you’re blessed with! Keep breaking down barriers one at a time! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – To Do List!

Posted by Leggs on October 18, 2014
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TO DO LIST…Challenge yourself today, heat things up, bring something that’s been on the back burner to a boil until the end result is to your satisfaction and you can check it off your ‘To Do List’!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Self Awareness!

Posted by Leggs on October 17, 2014
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SELF AWARENESS…It’s so easy to surrender into established life patterns and think of them as the norm until you’re left wondering how you ever allowed YOURSELF to fall thru the cracks!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!