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Inspirational Thoughts

CHOICES…You can find your greatest enemy in seeds of negativity taking up residence in your mind OR you can sprinkle them with hope and faith and watch something positive grow!:-)


WHAT DO YOU SEE when you look in the mirror? I see determination ready to over ride all perceived thoughts of failure. Daily, I try to connect with others who might feel the same! I’m not looking for a better world, I’m just trying to revive what God already created and deemed perfect in and for us all!:-)


HAVE A BIT OF FAITH! Don’t focus so much on what you don’t have that you allow missed opportunities to pile up and delay blessings for you that have already been signed, sealed, and ready for delivery!:-)



Don’t think you’re here by accident…nothing God does is accidental! Make sure you put Him and prayer at the start of every day BEFORE the day and all the things you can accomplish slip away!:-)


If you keep looking down, you’re bound to trip or fall into something you might not be ready for! Hopefully, someone who cares about you will help you realize there is a future, a hope, and a plan for your life!:-)


I hope your day is Golden and filled with everything that has the ability to make you smile and your spirit soar through whatever might try to be a fly in your ointment of possibility, anointing, and prayer!:-)


SOMETIMES we’re so focused on getting ahead, making it big, being someone important, we forget that our journey from conception to birth was our first affirmation of all those things and so much more – NOW GET BUSY!:-)


IT’S OKAY to stumble and fall as long as you remember you’re a child of the Most High and that it’s not over until He says it is! Faith the size of a mustard seed is all you need, so why are you still on the ground – GET UP!:-)


NO MATTER where you go or what station you are in life, make the best of it! You won’t always agree with what’s right for you, but you do have to be BIG, BAD, and BRAVE enough to dismantle your conflicts before they dismantle you!:-)


PERSONAL CHECK UP TIME…Don’t be shy about proclaiming today yours to be fabulous, to laugh, love, sing, dance, forgive, and be happy! To remain whole [nothing missing or broken] is to daily affirm that YOU MATTER!:-)


San Bernardino Massacre…Join me in prayer to support the families and friends of those who unknowingly, became innocent pawns on a chessboard laced with hate! Please know you are not alone, there is a world of support behind you! Blessings and love!:-)


ROAD TO EMPOWERMENT…Should you stop asking yourself ‘why’ – you might discover it’s more advantageous to say [with authority] ‘why not’! Don’t be afraid to take a few risks!:-)


MAKE IT COUNT…You don’t need to wait for a specific reason to celebrate – every breath you take and step you make are ALL you need to say, Lord, THANK YOU!:-)


EVENTUALLY, we all run out of excuses, but defeat need not be an option! You have an active/determined spirit and a fertile/creative mind, plant and nurture new seed!:-)


THE POWER OF LOVE is never wasted when freely given and received with an open mind and heart! I pray it seeps into every crevice around the world and that peace NOT war abide!:-)
