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Inspirational Thoughts

On any given day, something and/or someone is changing, make sure you’re on the right side of positive change in spite of the negative fan club nipping at your heels – there’s much you’ve yet to do!:-)


START YOUR DAY by counting your blessings and appreciating what you have and all you do! Hug yourself and speak words of encouragement! Have faith, stay grounded, and pray!:-)


Don’t stray so far away from your goals and good intentions that you can’t find your way back to your purpose! Starting over is a process that only you can decide if it’s worth it or not!:-)


LORD, THANK YOU that all the heavy lifting and sacrifice has been done for us! The only battles we face now are within where the noise is so loud and distracting we can barely hear ourselves think!:-)


IN THE SPOTLIGHT…New year, new experiences, new opportunities, and time to put old issues to bed! Don’t become a victim in your own mind controlled, self-imposed prison – you’re a warrior, so show up!:-)




TIME…it’s not about how much you have left, but how you use and live every minute! Only God knows your expiration date, so live live live your life to the full, running over – be happy!:-)


IF YOU have to be full of something, fill up on God’s Word and His Promises! You don’t have to be a believer for God to love you, His is the one love that is truly unconditional!:-)



BEFORE you start your day, be determined to turn a frown into a smile! Nothing good comes from letting dark thoughts ambush the warm glow of a smile!:-)


IT’S YOUR STORY! Make every day a page turner on this magnificent/anything is possible journey before you! Dare to be bold, daring, filled with purpose and expectations!:-)



Straight Talk – HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Posted by Leggs on January 8, 2016
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY…Thank you for loving me, putting me first, keeping me safe, making me laugh and fall in love with your big heart and our new puppy! God, please take care of my daddy like you take care of me – cover him going out and coming in because I love him and I know you do too!:-) Amen

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IF there are people in this world you might find hard to live without, fill up on their spirit every day because they are blessings who can always make you feel better just knowing they are a part of your world!:-)


We’re either struggling to get ahead or torn about holding back! Indecisiveness is NOT our friend. Leaders lead, followers wait to be instructed, do both well to stay grounded and come face to face with true success!:-)


You don’t have to witness world-wide miracles to know they exist, just look in the mirror anytime, any day, anywhere to see one up close and personal in you!:-)



YOU CAN NEVER go wrong when you put your trust in God to lead you where you need to be, doing what you were meant to do! Believe, receive, and achieve!:-)



I BELIEVE GOD is doing a work of unimagined proportions in our lives because we’re blessed to be a blessing! He knows our hearts, so keep pressing forward with expectations and eyes and arms wide open!:-)
