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Inspirational Thoughts

It’s okay to be cautious, but you don’t have to put a STOP sign on every corner of your life! You can simply YIELD before you GO forward. Come on, you got this!🙂 pablo(310)

NEVER MISS AN OPPORTUNITY to smile in the face of adversity knowing that God is always a prayer away!:-)


Don’t be afraid to step outside that preconceived box of limitations you created in your mind!  If you’re not careful, those limitations will eventually cause you to buckle under a heavy case of self-doubt!:-)


Leadership requires us to be the example of who and what we want to see reflected in the world. Daily, we have to confront and own the truth about ourselves [good or bad] and keep our inner battles to a minimum.:-)


When you keep looking back, you’re left unprepared to embrace the blessings God predestined for your life! YOU CAN’T change the past, but GOD CAN impact the future, LET HIM!🙂


HELLO WORLD! Don’t sit around waiting for someone or something to dictate the terms for living your best life. No one knows better than you where you’ve been and want to go. Tap into that vault of strength and knowledge stored within, and jump for joy!:-)


WHEN YOU’RE BLESSED to find your voice in the world, create a platform to support it. Both are life-changing experiences that open up the heart, mind, and spirit to infinite possibilities!-:)


EMPOWERMENT! Keep turning the ‘Ifs’ in your life into present, right now, no excuse action. You might be surprised to find the strength and courage needed to step beyond what’s been holding you back!:-)


STOP trying to out love, out give, out do God! Make a commitment to be God-like in spirit, thought, and deed. Cultivate the seeds of faith, hope, and love He embedded in us, and spread throughout the world. O what a blessing!:-)


Feel the Love! Let life swoop you up into that perfect, quiet storm where you can embrace the simplicity of living life to the full while keeping your heart, mind, and spirit filled with peace, faith, hope, and forgiveness, inspired by love!:-)

ALL LIVES MATTER and ALL are assigned with purpose and responsibility! The longer we’re blessed to be here, the more opportunities unfold for us to become the difference that makes a difference within and beyond ALL communities. To victims [past and present] I pray you and your families feel our prayers from all over the world!


WHO TOLD YOU THIS? GOD DID!:-) Life’s scars are to remind you that you’re a warrior. You have the right to dream lofty dreams and pursue them. Your words are meant to be heard and expressed out loud. You have a right to be cloaked and empowered with purpose. You are meant to shine like precious gems. You are to love, forgive, and respect yourself, daily. You are a Child of the Most High. You are a success that has already happened. You are blessed beyond measure and highly favored.You are not alone!


STAY CONNECTED…After all, life is but a series of experiences [with ourselves and others] we’ve yet to go thru and come out on the other side better and wiser for having done so!:-)


DEAR LORD! I want my first thoughts each day to be ALL ABOUT YOU and the renewing of my mind, heart, and spirit! Let ‘I CAN and I WILL’ be my war cry to keep me lifted, motivated, focused! Thank you! AMEN


Because of this day in 1776, our hearts filled with pride as we embraced the actions of our Founding Fathers and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence became a reality! Enjoy a blessed and memorable Independence Day!:-)
