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Inspirational Thoughts

Often, when you’re going thru difficult times, it only takes a gentle touch from the hand of compassion pressed against yours to remind you of God’s Amazing Grace!:-)


Falling into deep waters doesn’t mean you’re gonna drown. Sometimes, it’s an opportunity to learn how to float thru life’s challenges!:-)


Beauty is not just what you see on the surface! Take time to strip it down layer by layer. It’s important to find identifying markers that represent what true beauty is to you!:-)


When you wake up with an open mind and willing spirit you’re inviting God to intervene and provide all you need to ensure your day of labor bears much fruit!:-)


FREEDOM…Seven letters strung together that have the power to literally transform lives every second of every day all around the world! Not everyone wakes up and inhales the sweet aroma of freedom, and far too many seem to take it for granted! There will always be causes to fight for, but none more urgent than the inalienable right and freedom of every man, woman, and child blessed to be a free light in the world!


WHEN A CHILD SMILES! Nothing is more precious than seeing a child’s face light up with a smile so radiant and pure that your heart can’t resist opening wide to receive all the love it can hold!:-)


PRAY THRU IT! Never doubt the strength and endurance of the human spirit. Even when we crumble like clay, we still have the presence of mind to gather and reshape our scattered pieces!:-)


It has to be exhausting trying to refuel heart, mind, and spirit every time disappointment wraps itself around our lives. Yet, filled with faith, hope, and courage, we push forward, refined NOT defined by our disappointments!:-)


JOSIAH, you are and always will be an incredible blessing in the world who also happens to be adorable, handsome and smart! Your personality is bigger than life. Your spirit is absolutely contagious. Keep spreading your special kind of love and happiness around. We love you and thank God, your Mom and your Dad for the blessing and gift of you! Love Always, your Family


Your time is too valuable to try to fix what isn’t broken OR dwell on what you haven’t accomplished! Every moment of every day is filled with opportunity you can’t afford to miss!


When the tension in your life starts to feel like quicksand swelling up around you, STOP struggling! Pray, let go and let God do what only He can!:-)


Family is our safe haven of acceptance and unconditional love. It’s where we slip in and out of roles until we find one that suits us! It’s where we inhale the meaning of words like ethics and values. Family is where we learn about God and invite His presence and Spirit to dwell within by Faith:-)


We’re all climbers in spirit, each of us reaching for that elusive something in life. Be careful not to overload on confidence and start climbing without a plan!:-)


Don’t be so quick to give in to or give up on something or someone! Heaven only knows where any of us would be if God did! Create a special place in your heart for patience and understanding. There’s enough common ground to go around for all of us to embrace!:-)



Life is a journey! Find something to celebrate every day that lifts your spirit and makes you smile. But when life becomes a struggle, dip into your reservoir of God-like love and understanding. Don’t give up!:-)
