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Inspirational Thoughts

REMEMBERING DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Take time out today to mirror the GOOD we find in each other. Let’s make the world glow with the HOPE embodied in Dr. King’s passionate ‘I have a dream’ speech’. Let’s strive to do and be better because we can!

LORD, when you opened our minds and hearts to receive YOUR WORD you blessed us. But, you didn’t stop there. YOU said your arms would always be open to ALL who seek YOU. THANK YOU!

CHOICES! It’s so awesome to wake up every morning and decide if you wanna set sail with a definite destination in mind OR just drift thru the day without a care in the world!

Whenever our Faith is tested, God’s Grace is our reward! Learn to embrace ALL blessings, big and small!:-)

ENCOURAGEMENT is like having someone wrap a soft fuzzy blanket around you to keep your heart warm and spirit lifted when needed most!:-)

WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED TO FOLLOW OUR DREAMS! But all too often we fail to apply common sense to day-to-day challenges, big and/or small. To some, this simple approach might seem too easy to produce effective results, but it works. Try it!

TOMORROW is shrouded in a mystery! BUT, TODAY is a blessing that should be embraced and celebrated free of regret!

Don’t be afraid to reach beyond all self-imposed comfort zones. Your destiny awaits, but it’s up to you to start opening the right doors and walking thru them!:-)

An important life challenge is to learn to push THRU adversity NOT around it! So, stay focused and ready for life’s curve balls that are sure to come. You got this!

THANK YOU for being so open and honest
and standing in the gap when you need to protect those you love.
Thank you for giving your spirit permission to soar.
Thank you for being a beacon of light in the world, and
making sure you have what you need to live a life filled with love and purpose.
Thank you for being an awesome father to your two beautiful daughters, Emmy and Ayla.
BUT most of all we THANK GOD
for blessing you to be a beacon of light in the world,
a loving father, son, big brother, grandson, uncle, and friend.

We all face moments that STOP us in our tracks until a wave of emotions we’ve been running from catches up with us. No more! Time to face the music. We’re either 100% in or out!

SAVOR MORNINGS when you wake up feeling like you can soar through anything and still land on solid ground. What an awesome blessing. Pray for more of the same!

Whatever today brings face it with faith in yourself to do no harm. Don’t reach beyond what the situation requires. Life isn’t a contest but it can be challenging. So, PRAY about it!:-)

GOD’S GOT YOUR BACK!  As long as you continue to walk in His light you won’t have to go through life’s turbulent times alone.

ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! Take time to really THINK about what you want to accomplish this year and plan everything else around it. This is serious so take a stand, you’re either a hundred percent on board OR not!