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Inspirational Thoughts

Like a fork in the road, God never fails to get our attention and challenge us daily! Our response should always represent a reflection of God’s unconditional love that resides in all of us!

WHEN THINGS DON’T GO YOUR WAY, TRY NOT TO PUFF UP LIKE A BALLOON AND LEAVE YOURSELF VULNERABLE! With the prick of a needle anyone could deflate both your ego and wounded pride! Embrace victory NOT defeat!


Stop depending solely on the gift of yesterday when today is so vibrant and open. Use this as an incentive to build on what you need to embrace tomorrow as a seasoned warrior!


Every God-Given moment that separates me from loud noises in my head trying to distract me is indeed a blessing. Their only purpose is to keep me from hearing God’s voice.

PEACE can be elusive when you seek it, yet soothing like a warm summer breeze when you need it most. Keep praying for God to show you how to let go and let Him do what only He can.

HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! Spread the kind of love that brings joy and laughter into the lives of others and turns frowns into smiles. Be safe and have lots of fun!


Whatever you’re running away from STOP, TURN AROUND, and FACE IT! Don’t let FEAR become a BRICK WALL standing between you and your FREEDOM. It’s time to start breaking it down, brick by brick!

Your life can be a stroll, walk, or sprint around the park. Sometimes, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish, it can be all three. But in order to make the right choices take baby steps to measure your strength, endurance, and capability.

Instead of focusing on footprints loaded with negativity showing up in your life, pump up the volume in your head of all that’s positive. Give yourself time and space to drape the cloak of peace over your life.

PEACE OF MIND and PRAYER, both make the perfect union to get through life’s tests, trials, and tribulations. Don’t dismiss their power to heal and transform a broken spirit!

If you’re thankful to God for waking you up, don’t waste a second wallowing in yesterday’s drama. Instead, get excited about the plan He blessed for you to follow today. He’s not looking back and neither should you!

Everyone has dreams, but not everyone pursues them. Don’t let a lack of confidence lead you down a road filled with regrets. God is your biggest fan and source of support, so dust off your dreams and get busy!

Any day is a great day to say or do something positive that impacts the lives of others in ways we never imagined. So often it’s little gestures of kindness that seem larger than life to someone drowning in a pool of hopelessness.

Dear God
YOU hear us in our silence and find us when we try to hide. YOU forgive us 7 x 7 [deserving or not] and pull us into your warm embrace. But most of all YOU love us unconditionally day in and day out! O what a blessing. Thank you, God! Amen


Figure out what mountains you need to climb to keep growing. Never let past failures dim the light on your vision. And DON’T accept the same old static that underachieving brings. You’re a warrior who hasn’t even scratched the surface of your greatest victory!