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Inspirational Thoughts

WHAT A BLESSING to wake up thankful and free of regrets! Embrace today covered by faith and lifted into the arms of hope and unyielding courage. Let GOD’S LOVE be your anchor and the power of HIS GRACE allow you to forgive yourself and others!:-)


COLOR ME VIBRANT, ALIVE, and a bit MESSY! I don’t always color inside the lines of life nor am I limited by fear! Instead, I dig deep into life’s soil planting seeds prayed over and offered up to God!


STOP before you step into a normal day of set routines. Take a moment to think about what’s gonna keep you committed and motivated to press forward with a smile!


When your plans start to fall apart at the seams, don’t run away in DEFEAT! Doing so might make it difficult to embrace the great confidence booster that falling into the arms of VICTORY brings!:-)


Don’t leave your dreams on the cutting room floor in your mind, far too many have been left and discarded already. Instead, PRAY! It’s time to mend your broken wings and soar into your destiny. Say ‘YES, I CAN’ and DO IT!:-)


The only downside to having an imagination is to have one you never explore and/or expand!


TIME TO GET BUSY! You woke up this morning blessed and highly favored! All you have to do now is decide how you want your day to unfold and do something!:-)


CHOICES and ACTIONS! We spend so much time seeking big mountains to climb when the trails already in front of us can be so rewarding. God already did the heavy lifting! We just need to keep embracing each victory and moving on to the next challenge!


PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! We need God’s love and covering over everything and everyone. Let’s keep our hearts open and our faith and courage strong. Seek wisdom, hope, and forgiveness, and let’s look for the best in ourselves and others!:-)


When your heart is heavy let love be your wings, hope give you courage, and faith strengthen you; but, let forgiveness free your heart to soar and triumph where you never thought it could.:-)


If our mistakes teach us something they aren’t mistakes, but learning curves that prepare us to be ready for greater things to come!


335 DAYS INTO 2016! Shore up your nerve, find your balance, collect your thoughts, and keep moving forward by faith! It might surprise you how much you can accomplish in 31 days. Finish the year stronger, wiser, optimistic, and thankful!


When you pray, believe that God hears every word and sets aside a special blessing for you. So, shake off the notion that He might assign it to someone more deserving. Say ‘Thank You’ and keep following His footsteps! Amen


Sometimes we forget what we’re looking for BUT find what we need! My O My, what a blessing, indeed!:-)


DON’T STOP DREAMING! There’s nothing more rewarding than pursuing dreams that help you help others achieve theirs too!
