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Inspirational Thoughts

Life is full of surprises that make us smile with lifted spirits and open hearts. So, don’t be surprised today when you discover how AWESOME you are!:-)


Yesterday is behind you! Hopefully, you planted seeds to water today! Expect something positive to grow! Thank God for the blessing! Pray that it fills every tomorrow with purpose!:-)


When we look in a mirror, the accuracy of what we see depends on whether our perception and interpretation are amicably engaged. But sometimes the spirit has a tendency to render the  image we need to see!:-)


SLIP AND SLIDE!  It’s a great name for a ride, but an even better visual of how we approach life’s many scenarios (good and bad). We may get dirty and bruised along the way, but let’s keep getting up and sending up our prayers!:-)


GOD, in His perfect timing, gives us the courage, hope, and reassurance we need to feel validated! We are already a success story – not one waiting to happen! Don’t share even one second in the spotlight with life’s what ifs!:-)


THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! A world without love and forgiveness does not connote understanding and peace. One without the other only promotes chaos! Thank God we have the gift of choice!:-)


WHAT A BLESSING to wake up every morning hungry and ready to consume words of wisdom that stimulate mind, body, and spirit – words you want to share with others!:-)


Dream! Believe! Achieve! When you feel you can’t climb the mountains in your life, and going thru them is not an option, clear a path to go around them! Just don’t give up!:-)






If we keep running away from DEFEAT, our chances of building CONFIDENCE and falling into the arms of VICTORY remain elusive! STOP IT!:-)


YOU GOT THIS! Don’t sleep walk through your existence or become anyone’s puppet. It’s a blessing to wake up focused and ready with a plan you can execute!🙂


We’re so blessed to have a friend in Jesus! Even when we turn away or try to push Him aside, His arms are still open to receive us. Who are we not to forgive ourselves and others – He already has!:-)


PATIENCE, PLEASE! When the problem facing you is bigger than what you think you can handle, PRAY! GOD IS LISTENING!:-)


LISTEN TO YOUR HEART! When you’re going thru something horrendous yet can’t explain why you feel stronger for it not weaker, the heart knows!:-)  



Today comes with the gift of another 24 hrs to expand or complete whatever you started yesterday! It’s never too late to finish what matters to you!:-)


Every time you look in the mirror, I hope you see a reflection of who you really are: fierce, brave, and determined to claw your way to victory NOT defeat!:-)
