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Inspirational Thoughts

WHO TOLD YOU THIS? GOD DID!:-) Life’s scars are to remind you that you’re a warrior. You have the right to dream lofty dreams and pursue them. Your words are meant to be heard and expressed out loud. You have a right to be cloaked and empowered with purpose. You are meant to shine like precious gems. You are to love, forgive, and respect yourself, daily. You are a Child of the Most High. You are a success that has already happened. You are blessed beyond measure and highly favored.You are not alone!


STAY CONNECTED…After all, life is but a series of experiences [with ourselves and others] we’ve yet to go thru and come out on the other side better and wiser for having done so!:-)


DEAR LORD! I want my first thoughts each day to be ALL ABOUT YOU and the renewing of my mind, heart, and spirit! Let ‘I CAN and I WILL’ be my war cry to keep me lifted, motivated, focused! Thank you! AMEN


Because of this day in 1776, our hearts filled with pride as we embraced the actions of our Founding Fathers and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence became a reality! Enjoy a blessed and memorable Independence Day!:-)


There is no situation you can’t surrender to God. The things you can’t forgive or accept, He already has. He knows who you are and loves you unconditionally – you should too!:-)


SO BLESSED…God planted seeds in each of us to take root and produce a harvest covered with His blessings. Take the worry out of stress by embracing the gift of being so blessed!:-)


183 DAYS INTO 2016…Time to forget about yesterday’s would’ve, could’ve, should’ve scenarios, their weight will only overwhelm you. Approach the days ahead as 2nd chances you won’t take for granted!:-)


PAY A COMPLIMENT – SHARE A SMILE…Don’t hesitate to make someone’s day special! Everyone (even you) needs to bask in the glow that a sincere compliment and smile can bring!:-)


PERSPECTIVES CHANGE! Too often, it’s not until we’re asked seemingly simple questions that we realize a ready response is not so simple!:-)


24 HOUR CHALLENGE…What a blessing to have 24 hrs in a day to at least try to fill them with purpose. Why not step out in faith and embrace the challenge!:-)

If your aim is to please, at least know why and who you’re trying to impress. Hopefully, it won’t take long to come up with a response that will support and make sense of your intentions!:-)


NO ONE can steal the life you claim as yours, but you can relinquish it willingly. The question is why would you want to when God has already proclaimed your life blessed?


Everyone needs an anchor, just be careful what/who you choose to be yours. Don’t let distractions delay the process, a timely response is important!:-)



Going out and coming in, you are blessed to do what you need to do with confidence! Infuse every day with purpose and determination to step out of your comfort zone! Believe and achieve!:-)


TWO DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES! One minute we’re kids without a care in the world, then suddenly all grown up with adult concerns. Don’t be afraid to approach life from both either perspectives, both have value and matter!:-)
