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Inspirational Thoughts

We Laugh, Love, and Live life to the full and running over because it’s a choice we choose to make. Don’t panic and/or be afraid to take risks and color outside the preset lines you envisioned.

Make memories to savor when it feels like you’re under siege by unending storm clouds hovering over your life. We all need a safe haven to shelter us through life’s rough patches that are sure to come.

MAKE GOD SMILE! Whether your journey here is long or short nothing you plan or do can usurp God’s plan for your life! But while you’re here, leave footprints others will want to follow!

I hope you woke up ready to take advantage of blessings not yet realized. I also hope you make every effort to push thru NOT around barriers that keep you from fulfilling the promises you made in prayer.

There’s a champion residing in you just waiting to show up and show out. So start embracing your creative ability and skill and apply what you learn. A mediocre life was never God’s plan for you!

Life can be like a rollercoaster ride with sudden dips and sharp curves that keep the heart pounding. But, it can also be like a soft summer breeze that takes our breath away. Thankfully, we have the gift of choice, use it wisely!

STAY FOCUSED! Don’t let disappointments become distractions that keep you from living a purpose driven life! Instead, pray for a visual of your objective, and keep moving forward!


Think about what your response would be if someone asked what you’d change about the life you’re living. But, don’t be surprised if you don’t have a ready response.

When you look around to appreciate the abundance of God’s blessings I hope you realize that you’re one of them!

When you sip from a cup filled with a pinch of faith, a dash of hope, and daily prayer, you reinforce a life long commitment to fulfill the dreams you always envisioned free of doubt!

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! There’s nothing random about FATHERHOOD! So much goes into helping a child find purpose in life, and FATHERS have that special something to share that puts them on the right path to get there. THANK YOU for being the prayer warrior, guidance conselor, and confidant they can always rely on. THANK YOU for sharing words of wisdom, forgiveness, and unconditional love. The words of a Father are powerful, so make sure every child learns to use them to do good in the world. THANK YOU!


YOU CAN DO IT! Don’t let what doesn’t sit right with you become that bitter pill you swallow at the end of the day. Keep chiseling away every blurred line of imperfection until you achieve your vision!

ROAD TO VICTORY…You never know what you can achieve until you fast forward past your doubts and fears. Give yourself permission to explore the endless possibilities that exist on the road to victory. BELIEVE and ACHIEVE!

When you lose sight of where you’ve been and where you’re going, don’t panic. Instead, take a few minutes to redirect your time and energy. After all, there are still new mountains to climb and bridges to build and cross!

In both good and bad times your integrity and sense of purpose shouldn’t waiver. It’s okay to make adjustments if you need to, but just keep pressing foward.