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Inspirational Thoughts

THE POWER OF ONE! A single thought starts the wheels of change moving, a single action generates support for a cause, and one person’s passion for equality and justice can light the way and impact minds [young and old] for generations to come!:-)


Sometimes it hurts too much to care so much – BUT if we don’t, humanity sits on a shelf collecting dust and making it hard for compassion to breathe!:-)


The MIND can be as beautiful as anything you can imagine or as dark as everything you want to avoid. Remove the option of darkness – give your mind permission to stroll down life’s breathtaking path to victory!



Posted by Leggs on March 17, 2016
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

Day by Day live life fully engaged with few regrets! Don’t be so rigid that you miss the adventurous journey life is meant to be! Responsibility and fun really can co-exist – even on St. Patrick’s Day!:-)


ASSUMPTIONS…Don’t assume anything, because even what we think we know requires frequent updates and revisions to avoid being the last to know our own truth!:-)


EVERY LIFE MATTERS! A bullet’s impact is only as dangerous and lethal as the intentions of the one loading the gun, aiming the gun, and firing the gun!


You really don’t know how fragile you are UNTIL you crack, so pray without ceasing for what you’ll need to put yourself back together again, stronger, wiser, and thankful!:-)


SAY, ‘THANK YOU, LORD’! You are blessed beyond measure even if you don’t see it that way! As long as you’re breathing, God is showering you with blessings pressed down and running over – you just need to believe and receive them!:-)


It should be easy to do or say something positive about ourselves, yet we tend to make what’s simple, complicated and over think the process! There are things exclusive about each of us, let’s discover what they are!:-)


PATHWAY TO VICTORY! Just when you think you’ve done your best and have nothing more to offer, do more! It’s one thing to taste victory and quite another to earn the right to walk in it!:-)



Posted by Leggs on March 10, 2016
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

The clock keeps ticking and you keep moving forward, enduring in spite of life’s lickings! YOU, dear brother, are a survivor who will always have a piece of our hearts! Never forget how much you’re loved! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JERRY!:-) Love, Your Family!



TIME is one of the most important gifts we possess – manage yours well to get the most out of every breath you take – build a foundation you will be proud to stand on!:-)


While in PRAYER, GOD will reveal one REVELATION after another to keep us focused and excited about where we’re going and what we’re capable of achieving – have a little FAITH!:-)


WHEN NEGATIVITY starts to fit like a glove each time you try it on, you need COURAGE to start ripping apart the seams until it unravels – so get busy!:-)


INTEGRITY is something you can’t fake, you either have it or you don’t – but if you do, leave footprints others can and will want to follow!:-)
