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Inspirational Thoughts

Straight Talk – I’m Just Saying

Posted by Leggs on February 21, 2016
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DON’T BLAME GOD who already gave us the remarkable gift of choice! It’s up to each of us to choose whether to pray for His wisdom and guidance and use them!:-)


MAKE A DIFFERENCE…You can’t be everywhere at once, but you can be where you are and do what you can to make what you do a reflection of what really matters to God and you!:-)


BECAUSE OF GOD’S GRACE we can be happy and filled with peace knowing that purpose will keep us focused and committed to walk by faith!:-)


DO IT ON PURPOSEdecide to enjoy your day like it’s a great big basket of everything you ever hoped for or imagined! Embrace what you need to make it memorable!🙂


Don’t allow bad thoughts to build and send you down a path you never intended to take - SHUT ‘EM DOWN and make room for those that inspire you and cause your spirit to soar:-)


All too often we try to get from God what we already have: HIS ATTENTION! Let’s make sure we put enough time and energy into whatever makes Him smile and continually encourage us!:-)




No one hit’s the ball out the park every time, but I believe every President who has occupied the Oval Office [including our sitting 44th Commander-in-Chief President Barack Obama] tried! Victory isn’t often obvious until long after the spotlight dims! Let’s salute our Presidents for every ball they did hit out the park under extreme pressure, personal sacrifice, premature aging and stress related graying hair!:-)


LOVE is in the air so breathe in lots of it – not because today is special, but because today is special, but because YOU are! Look in the mirror and smile because you will always be someone to celebrate! Happy Valentine’s Day!🙂


SPREAD IT AROUND...Nothing makes the day more special than when you feel love pouring into your spirit because someone, somewhere is thinking of you with love!:-)



GET EXCITED AGAIN…Have you been carrying baggage around so long that you’ve accepted it as the norm? If so, STOP it and START unloading until you recognize that person you buried and forgot about!:-)


CHOICES…Even when/if we don’t always get to decide a particular destination, we get to choose how we embrace it!.:-)


YOU MATTER! At any moment, around any corner, something will capture your heart and make your spirit soar just to remind you what an incredible blessing you are!:-)


BUT for a struggle we’d never realize the power of God’s love to strengthen and move us ‘thru’ our situations and put us on the right path to realize our full potential.🙂


DAILY, strive to achieve your ‘personal best’ NOT ‘perfection’ which only God achieves! Release your warrior’s spirit and remember that you ARE a conqueror NOT a victim! You are a gift, so wrap yourself in this blessing wherever you are/whatever you do!:-)





HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY…Thank you for loving us, putting us first, keeping us safe, making us laugh and fall in love with your big heart! You’re an AWESOME Daddy who takes time to bring out the best in us and all who know you! God, please take care of our daddy like you take care of us! Cover him going out and coming in because we love him and know you do too!:-) Amen