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Inspirational Thoughts

When the heart is heavy and the mind is combative the spirit tends to delay taking flight; but, ultimately, it will soar to where God resides and His love abides.

Pray and let faith lift your spirit! But, don’t let life’s mild waves of discouragement become strong currents that wash away your dreams. 

Start every day with a big THANK YOU, LORD because HIS BLESSINGS are endless! Just be patient and confident throughout the day knowing His timing is always perfect!

STOP hoarding thoughts you don’t intend to explore.  ACT NOW before burn out becomes a real concern.

Some of life’s greatest blessings come gift wrapped, reinforced with colorful ribbons of change. So, keep your heart, mind, and spirit open and ready to embrace what you find inside.

The steps we take are initiated by the decisions we make. So, be sure your journey leads to the destination you envisioned.

It’s so easy to get caught up in situations that steal moments away we can’t get back. But imagine the endless possibilities if we filled every day with purpose! At least give it a try!

It’s time for you to soar! So, I hope you woke up positive and ready for a day overflowing with blessings! Expect to be covered by faith, strengthened with courage, and guided by God’s wisdom.

SHARED WISDOM can become USEFUL KNOWLEDGE to all who seek it, receive it, and pass it on!

The past is not our home! But, it is where perspectives are explored and/or ignored.  Hopefully, it’s also where we make time to reflect on what makes us wiser, kinder, and less judgmental of others.


Stop allowing the weight of the world to minimize what you bring to the table of life. God will let you know when your work here is done. Until then, keep pressing forward.


If you’re still trying to kick down doors once denied to you, STOP IT, STAY PRESENT, and MOVE ON! Your time is too valuable not to make every second count!

Don’t let anyone steal your joy! Hatred has no breathing room to spread when you choose to live in a state of grace and forgiveness. Even if you can’t forget you can still find a way to keep your spirit lifted!


Don’t be a victim! Whatever you’re facing, every second of every day also provides an opportunity to choose your own course of action. 

Yesterday is over. Tomorrow is yet to come. But Today is perfect to discover what makes you stronger, wiser, and purpose driven. Get busy!