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Inspirational Thoughts

It’s one thing to go after a dream with a vengeance and another to give up when it’s within reach. Make decisions that inspire you to stay committed and purpose driven by faith!

Just because you don’t wear your feelings on your sleeve doesn’t mean you don’t have any to share! NO ASSUMPTIONS, PLEASE – TIMING IS EVERYTHING!

Whatever you didn’t accomplish yesterday take a moment now to consider what’s still a priority. When you do, weave the threads of it into whatever you intend to accomplish today!

We all need a hero in our lives! We need someone we respect and turn to when the world turns upside down without warning. We need to experience a lighthouse in the mist of our storms. We need the trust, tenderness, and warmth a mother knows so well. We need her to leave footprints we can follow and expand on our personal journey to victory. We need to see the fruit of the spirit amp up the light in every mother’s eyes as our love washes over every mother everywhere. Thank you for being our loyal, trusted friends, champions, and teachers. Maylove wash over each of you like waterfalls all day and every day! Thank God for Mothers!

Don’t hide from the world afraid, no matter what life throws your way. Instead, pray for peace, have faith, and be encouraged to put on the full armor of God! Your journey is far from over!

GOD IS IN CONTROL! For every decision we make [good or bad] God has one predestined to bare fruit in a season of His own choosing.

Don’t wait until you’re in striking distance of achieving your goal to suddenly run out of steam. Anything worth having is worth whatever extra steps you need to take. Go for it!

If you don’t like the way your day begins to unfold STOP, change it, and start over! When you do, make sure whatever adjustments you make begin and end on a positive note!

I hope you took a moment out of your day to say a prayer of thanksgiving not only for you but also for someone else and let God do the rest!

Living the good life is more than striving for perfection. Without question, it’s also about reaching new goals that highlight your full potential. But never forget there are still many layers of discovery waiting for you to reveal!

STOP struggling to be someone you’re not. Perhaps when you do, you’ll also break the chains of denial holding your confidence hostage.

When you wake up and before your feet hit the floor, pray for wisdom, guidance, and patience. Make sure your journey and mission statement are on the same page. Both keep you putting one foot in front of the other.

YOU GOT THIS! Think of at least one thing you could do today that would make you reconsider what you’re capable of achieving. Often, it only takes a thought and an ounce of faith to visualize climbing and/or removing the mountains in your life!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY SIS! Your spirit is as bright as the smile you share with others. Without question, you are a beautiful portrait of what being a child of God looks like up close and personal. Juandell and Ashley are blessed to have an incredible warrior like you as their mom and grandma of their six amazing children. I pray your day is saturated with love, hugs, kisses, and answered prayer! Love you, Always!

Don’t become that person always running around in circles without a plan or destination in mind. Time is too precious to waste! I hope you use some of your time today to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!